Saturday, September 22, 2012

One of those days

I swear if I had a 6 pack of blue moon or a bottle of wine here it would be gone by now, but I don't.  If I had someone here to sit on my couch while my kiddos sleep, I would go for an endless run to erase all the pain. But I don't. SO I guess I will just write.. sorry if this isn't rainbows and sunshines.

Let me just start by saying we are ALMOST at a month, only 11 months to go. Friday I was boasting to my husband how proud I was of us , as a family, and how we powered through that first month with ease. It flew by because we never had time to sulk or throw pitty parties for ourselves. We know that this all has purpose and it will be over before we know it. It has been a great action packed month. 

Today must have been that last jinga piece that was pulled before the tower came down because DOWN that tower has been falling all day. and DOWN the tears have been pouring all day. Uncontrollably. 

Our 2 year old, Mr. Pants as his Dad calls him, is quite the " spirited" child some would say. I would say more passionate. He has challenged us and taught us to be the best parents we could be. When he is UP he is up. His laugh is infectious, and it could go on for hours and hours. He loves everyone and gives his Mama hugs and kisses all day just because he wants to. When he loves something he LOVVVESS it. But if he is upset, he wants every single person in his little world to know and understand how upset he really is. Today was an example of the latter.

Highly demanding fits are nothing new in our house. I have read just about every parenting book under the sun to guide us through the past two years, and am very thankful to have found some wonderful techniques/books that have worked for us along the way( Babywise , Happiest Toddler on the block, and Love and Logic ) But some days there is nothing anyone can do to prevent these mini tornadoes from spiraling over and over again throughout the day. When there are two parents present we can at least give it a tag-team effort so each parent gets a break OR use each other as some comic relief and laugh it off when possible. 

When you have been the sole provider everyday without a break, no escape to work, no nights out with friends, no time spent chatting with your spouse or other adults... your brain becomes a little worn down.

Throw that into the mix of having your husband deployed for a whole year, family and friends wanting to vent to you about petty nonsense, two really annoying dogs, never ending 100 degree days, cleaning, cooking, and OH YA meeting all of the needs our 7 month old ( who is absolutely the BEST baby on the planet earth might I add.)... and people wonder why I run so much....

Long story short, which I am never good at, too many Jenga pieces have been pulled out this month and one little day dealing with two year old tantrums sent the whole tower tumbling to the ground. Tomorrow is time to start building back up, hopefully a little stronger than last month. 

I miss my husband, a lot. He is absolutely amazing and I pinch myself everyday to see if this is really my life. If he were here right now I wouldn't be writing this because he would have hugged me and told me what a great Mom I am and that everything is ok. But he is not so here I am babbling to the computer. 

Ok that's all tonight.
 I already feel better.
Going to go for a treadmill run and watch some Big Love. 

Thanks for listening <3

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