Thursday, March 7, 2013

Moving forward

After months of Doctor's appointments, dietary changes, and long sleepless nights- we finally have SOME results on our little Mr. Pants.

The GOOD news is that he does not have any damage to his intestines and does NOT have celiacs disease- WOO HOO! As much as we have learned and adapted to a great way of eating, we do not have to be as strict as we have been the past couple months.  The bad news is that he has severe acid reflux due to a food allergy ( go figure) and will be on Prilosec for the next year at least to help the damage that it has caused his esophagus . He will also be getting an allergy panel done ( like I had begged for months ago) to find out what food is the culprit.

The miracle came when we re-intruduced wheat. He doesn't get sick anymore! 2 weeks eating completely freely and there are no digestive problems at all. Only one thing has changed- he has self electively stopped drinking all milk. This kid won't even take a sip of CHOCOLATE milk! And this slowly happened as we removed Gluten  SOOO I am pretty sure what the allergy panel will tell us.

It is such a relief to have answers and know everything is now being done to keep our little guy as healthy and happy as possible - milk free ( which I have happily been since age 2 as well) 

Not only are we moving forward in the health department, we are finally making progress in physically MOVING forward as well this week. We have officially been pre-approved and have begun the process to buying our first home in TUCSON and will hopefully be down there and moved in this summer before August if all goes as planned! It will definitely be crazy buying a house and moving our life+2 toddlers+2 beagles ...alone...but across the state is NOTHING like our last two moves across the country. So this is welcomed Chaos and will be well worth it when my husband comes home in August to OUR home.

As always, thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers- VERY much appreciated <3 

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