We had a terrible TERRIBLE couple days with Mr. Pants. When he finally realized Daddy was gone again , he lost it. Big time. We went days with very little sleep, violent temper tantrums, and LOTS and LOTS of coffee. It doesn't matter how well you were coasting without your loved one before, or even how great of a time you spent with them while they were home. The second they leave again everything starts right back at square one. The sadness, the loneliness, the misbehavior, the tantrums... for ALL of us! I hate to jinx anything but I think we have made it through the adjustment time. We are back to a normal sleep schedule THANK the lord. ALSO thankful that Kane had no idea what was going on, and just kept sleeping and smiling... LIKE usual ;) I am finally able to conquer my mile long to-do list . Even actually run and/or watch maybe 30 full minutes of tv for a change.
Today being the start of week 16- a new journey is ahead of our soldier. A new place to call home for 9 more months. A place that has been calling his name for nearly 7 long years.
I'm so proud of him and all of his accomplishments. I can't help but jump back to those steps outside of the Flagstaff house he was living in during college the summer of 2005. After a few months of dating, falling head over-heels for him regardless of his silly hair, geeky nature, and terrifying music choice. He told me he was dropping out of school to enlist in the Army. That he wanted to be a pilot and serve our country, he had already talked to a recruiter. He would go to basic in the fall and that he didn't want any strings to " hold him back. " I remember sobbing for days, months even, not understanding why. I told him I would write him , we could make it work. He stood his ground telling me that he would soon go to war and he didn't want to get in too deep when he didn't know the outcome. He just wanted to go. Alone. THat he did. We both moved on, went our separate ways. He ended up getting pushed into another area of Army aviation instead of completing the infamous " flight packet." I finished college, kept cheering for the Lumberjacks , and enjoyed every moment of the college experience that NAU had to offer.
Fast forward 7 years. Here we are. He is off doing what he thought he was going to do " alone" no strings attached many years ago. Instead he has a wife of 3.5 years and two little boys to video chat with each night. I personally wouldn't have it any other way.
I am so blessed and lucky to be married to a true hero. He's not just a soldier that is serving because it is a "job" or because he wants to fly helicopters. He is a soldier because he loves our country, and he believes in what our flag stands for. He is honored to be fighting for our freedom as Americans, not just trying to survive a minimum commitment and make a run for it. This is his life, our life as a family.
Even though I am a little uneasy tonight, I feel very at peace knowing what is to come. That sounds so silly I know. What is peaceful about war? I guess I just know that my husband is exactly where he has wanted to be since that day on the steps when he broke up with 19-year old me. God really has put him in the right place at the right time, and for that I am forever grateful.
It is all in HIS hands now. Hands which I trust and have complete faith in.
Godspeed and safe Travels Babe, LAAA youu
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