That title makes me laugh a little . I remember when we started this journey and surviving my husbands year long deployment, with a baby and a toddler ... And a house... And some
Beagles ... Seemed like marathoning up Mt. Everest . Impossible . The end seemed invisible and documenting each week felt necessary . Here we are at the end and it's almost too visible . 49 weeks down . He's so close to being home yet still weeks away from us. I mean three weeks is like an entire Air Force deployment right ?! ;)
Internally I've been imagining the 12 months as 26.2 miles. Throughout this year I've thought of every month as a little over two miles . Every two weeks a mile basically . Any endurance athlete will tell you that crossing the finish line is much more about being mentally prepared that physically . I read this amazing article
Once about a marathoner mom who was stuck in the ocean with her two children. She treaded water for hours holding her sons, telling herself " keep them alive keep them alive " and the second rescuers got her second son in their hands she slowly slipped under and surrendered . She had committed to herself that the finish line was saving her children and she literally didn't have an ounce left to get beyond the finish . Unbelievably sad story , but shows how the mind will take your body as far as you tell it too .
Our mind can be remarkable when we exercise it properly , but is only as strong as we can prepare it for. So as we took it week by week / mile by mile ... The groove became tolerable . There were some Serious hills ( we all know I HATE hills) along the way , and a few unexpected water breaks ( more from the eyes than out of a Dixie cup) but it was a scenic course full of growth and strength building . Here we are at that last 1.2 . For some it is the hardest stretch , and they say its that last .2 that really get you . But once we cross that line it's over , all the struggles and pain are well worth the joy that comes when you get the medal at the finish line ... Or in our that long awaited hug/kiss. All that's left is some necessary recovery and celebration .
I know I haven't kept up with writing lately . Being busy with a baby and toddler is a much different type of busy than two toddlers . HOLY cow . I swear most nights I lay in bed just staring at the ceiling thinking what even happened today? So exhausted mentally and physically that the sound of " mommmmmy I have to go pottttty" at 8:30 pm often pushes me over the ledge of my sanity limit for they day.
As exhausting as its been , the boys are actually doing really really well. We've found a nice rhythm since our move and have stayed happily busy all summer. Between pool days at the Y , the children's museum, the library, park when it's not too hot , going to the mall play area ( Stevens personal favorite) we have no shortage of activities to keep us busy until Daddy's home . It is definitely a challenge not having friends down here with kids the boys' age, but in time I'm sure that will change . We found a wonderful church that I'm thrilled about. Prayers were answered big time .Over the past month I've realized it's exactly where we are supposed to be .
Kaners is growing so much right now . He's crazy vocal and talks all day long , no idea where he gets that . He's mastered a somersault which I'm very impressed with of course . He's just as adorable as ever and happy as can be . I love when I get him out of his crib he's always smiling and bouncing like there is no care in the world.. He's such an angel .
Steven is hilarious , emotional , and wild . The usual. We are at that age where if I
Had the time to write down every phrase he comes up with... We'd have a best selling comedy on our hands. 3 year olds are just natural comedians . For example tonight he runs into my room screaming watttccchh out for darrrkkk eellevattorr ... While wearing his darth vader mask ... And proceeds to tackle me with all his strength . Yes he thought the character On star wars is "Dark Elevator ."He's awesome and amazing and teaches me lessons about parenting everyday .
We have a huge month ahead of us !
Steven turns 3! I've decided not to do a party for him because if we do, and he wakes up the next day and daddy isn't here ...the world could quite possibly come to an end . We will have some cake and he has demanded that we wear party hats like in the book Go Dog Go ( he's obsessed with party hats ) . As soon as Daddy arrives safely then we can celebrate together :)
Speaking of Daddy arriving safely ... Not much longer ! We don't have exact dates , and if we did and I told you I'd have to kill you . Ok maybe I've been watching to many episodes of Sons of Anarchy on Netflix ... but seriously dates are pretty confidential so all we can say is by the end of the month he'll be back with us <3
That's about it here .Ill try to keep everyone posted as the time gets closer ! But as for now -49 weeks behind us. About THREE more to go !