Monday, December 9, 2013

Unexpected journey

I've been attempting to write this out but I can never seem to find the right words , or even worse I DO write something straight from the heart and my iPad magically erases the whole thing , seriously ?! I guess it was just God's way of saying ' not yet' 

So here goes. A little story only a few people in my life are aware of . One of the few things I actually keep quiet about but possibly the one thing I should be screaming from the rooftops ...

Last summer as Steve began training before the deployment and I began loooong and lonely Weeks by myself with two kiddos under 2 , I knew something had to give . I was struggling and with him about to be GONE gone for a year  , I needed to dig deep in my faith for strength that I simply didn't have alone. I grew up in a catholic home. Attended church most Sundays, received the sacraments from communion to confirmation, attended CCD on Monday nights , memorized the words to all the rehearsed prayers and hymns , and most importantly believed in the Father Son and Holy Spirit. At least I THOUGHT I believed . I knew there was something bigger than us in control of our existence . Honestly I never really cared about a concrete belief system. Reading my fair share of new age  enlightenment theories and taking your basic religion 101 course at my far from conservative university  lead to a contentment or satisfaction with ... Well...being.  I didn't need a book telling me how to live or prayers for anything because I lived peaceful enough, and after all I can sin all I want for it will all be forgiven regardless ! 

So there I am, 26 years old with two beautiful boys and a husband that are my world and we're supposed to send him off to war and be faithful that he will just come back ? Alive? What if he doesn't ? <insert catholic mass  > The church my parents attend is a very highly populated Catholic church in a super family friendly Arizona  community - and no there is not ANY childcare. Not even a cry room ( which at this point would be for me, not the boys .) Of course I'm in and out every few minutes either shushing a crying 4 month old or bribing a toddler to sit still for maybe 5 straight minutes, meanwhile being glared at by half of the congregation for having " those kids " and I just want to scream on the top of my lungs THEIR DAD IS GONE fighting for YOUR damn freedom cut us a freaking BREAK!! - my thoughts were much less PG at that point .

We go home and I'm just floored by the experience . Here I am trying to build a relationship with God , find strength , and I felt more drained than the end of a marathon. After searching for another Catholic Church in town that would actually welcome my children, and failing miserably, I realize that maybe I need to try something new. My Grandparents rave about their church , that their pastor is wonderful, and that they have DING DING DING children's programs !!! As uncomfortable and foreign as a  Christian church seemed , I trust my Grandparents more than anyone so that Sunday I let go of all anxieties and just went . 

The moment I carried my babies into this place of worship I just felt at ease. The pastor had open arms ready to meet and welcome us , the childcare was phenomenal , and as I sat down next to my Grandparents I was able to have the first calm I had felt in quite some time- and this was all before the service even started ! The music was modern with powerful messages , the people were beyond friendly , and the pastor spoke from the  bible in a way I had never heard before . My eyes and heart were finally open and my journey had just begun.

Since that first day at Arizona Hills in Anthem , I've slowly taken a spiritual journey completely unexpected . Pastor Bob changed all my beliefs of Christianity , bringing me closer to God and accepting Jesus in a way I never had before. All this simply through his sermons and the actions of others in the community that constantly reached out to my family. I began actually reading the bible for the first time in my life and understanding it. I found a love for worship music, I began praying constantly , became much less anxious , life slowly became much more beautiful . In a time of struggle I found complete peace and happiness . 

After leaving Phoenix the boys and I have had equally wonderful  experiences at both Casas in Tucson, and this hidden gem here  in Enterprise called Crossroads. I feel so blessed to have found both places of worship so quickly , and knew that God absolutely sent me to both knowing how much my faith could grow in different ways . 

The hardest part of this journey has been that very few people in my life are Christians. In fact I've learned to bite my tongue when I talk about prayer or church because in our society it's frowned upon. People automatically think if you're a Christian you are anti abortions, against homosexuality , don't drink alcohol, must be a republican , etc.  But what I find to be the most impacting words of scripture ,  bottom line is that Jesus. loves. EVERYONE . It is not the place of ANY human to judge others , that is God's job. It is our job to live a Christ like existence LOVING others, GIVING to others , sharing this beautiful life with others . 

I'm not writing this to say HeY I'm such a good person! Or I'm so holy  ! In fact just the opposite . I'm writing this because I've had some dark challenging days, days that I see many loved ones going through as well . I HATE watching my loved ones suffer knowing that they don't have to. The quote below replays in my mind often, probably because society leads us to believe the opposite . No matter where you are in your life, what you believe or don't believe, God is there and is so so good. He's ready to heal you and change your life for the better - you just have to let him. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We meet again Ft. Rucker

Here we are ! Back home , or what seems like home for our family at least. Back to the place we really became a family , had both of our boys , made some lifelong friends, etc. etc. I've had a lot of homes in my 27 years but honestly pulling up to these gates last week was like a getting a big warm comfy hug from home. Well until we got to the hotel at least ... 

I'm going to try and update everyone  our adventures on This trip as much as possible - so here goes the first week.

Flight out was pretty hectic . After waking the boys up at a lovely 3:45 AM we got to the airport smoothly thanks to my awesome Mom for helping out tremendously. Long story short we sat on the runway for 4 hours on the airplane before we could even take off for the 3+hour flight to ATL. Considering the circumstances the boys were awesome , and the entire plane thanked us repeatedly for how well behaved they were, shocking I know ! 
We get to Atlanta, grabbed the rental car which magically fit all our stuff , and set out on our 4 hour drive to Rucker . Get to our new " home " the hotel on post at about 10 pm , the lovely lady at the front desk tells us they have saved us a family room at the guest house but the crib they gave to someone else - awesome . Let's increase the stress a little more please . So we get to the room and it is a normal size hotel room, no extra bedroom, and two full size beds . For our whole family . And Steve's supposed to start class at 7 am. PERFECT! So we called the front desk begging for a suite of some kind , and they found a room in the old BOQ that would work, but we couldn't move in until the next day. So at 11 pm Steve and I move this tiny room around in a way so that the boys can get some rest and Steve can study/ sleep a few hours before class starts . Meanwhile I'm panicking of course - thinking this was a huge mistake trying to make this whole thing work. They say that families aren't authorized for this course for a reason .At this point I was ready to get the boys back on the plane to Tucson.

The next day We were stuck in the room until Steve got out of class - luckily it's beautiful outside so the boys were thrilled to just play ...
That afternoon we rushed to move into our new room , had dinner , and squeezed in some trick or treating .
Over the weekend we started to get settled picking up  some groceries , kitchen supplies , and a temporary double jogging stroller ( which is my vehicle since we just have one car here .)

I really had no idea how this would all play out but honestly I think it's going to work well. Going from a 4 bedroom 2,000 sq foot house with two cars , to a teeny hotel room with a mini kitchen and one car is an adjustment for sure ... But we can make anything work if it means being together . And we are ! We are SO very much together :)  

This week the boys and I have just been cruising around post in the stroller , park hopping , and basically doing anything we can to stay busy and active . Steven started preschool at the CDC today which he loved ! 

Steve's course is going well. He has been studying like crazy, which is a weird concept for anyone that knows Steve at all ! Getting to the instructor pilot course this early in his career is a huge accomplishment , and having his family here with him just makes it that much more challenging . Today he had his first round of tests and scored a 98 on both ! He had been warned that most everyone fails the first 5&9 test but this afternoon he passed ! Woo hoo! So proud of him.

It sounds weird , and doesn't make sense I'm sure , but I feel Happier and more peaceful in this unconventional living situation than I have probably in a year and a half. We are together , the boys are happy , Steve is progressing in his flight career, and I just get to do my job as Mom and keep the whole family running ( no pun intended !!!)   I'm very thankful for the life we have , thankful for the journey and plans that God has laid out for us regardless of how crazy it all may seem sometimes.

Here are a few more pictures from our first week back ...

Steve's first day of class
Here is our little room 
Our front view ;)

my mom and stepdad had a dozen cupcakes delivered to our hotel! So awesome
I found some helpers to join me in a ballon release for my friend Krista's baby Kamry that passed away at 9 days old last week. They released 100 balloons for her at her celebration of life ceremony in Missouri so we released 9 for her on post 

Boys and I spent time Saturday at our favorite park in enterprise 

Sunday we walked beaver lake . Steven loved it and told me We should bring Dad here . He was shocked when I told him I used to walk him around this lake when he was in my belly , and when he was little I would jog him around here allll the time . It was awesome how much they loved it !

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers as we start another crazy adventure <3

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Beagles for sale!

Ok not really. We aren't selling anything, or anyone for that matter. Steven did recently tell me his little brother was too expensive... but I think we'll keep him anyways ;)

HOWEVER, we do have a new adventure coming up in the next month. Maybe an adventure that will allow some personal time to sit and write, doubtful but maybe. YEP we are going back to the ALA- BAMA! My husband has been given a wonderful opportunity to attend a 12 week school to become an instructor pilot. As exciting as it is that we are able to tag along, it means living in a two bedroom hotel suite for 3.5 months WITH two toddlers AND a husband that needs us to stay out of his hair so he can study his butt off. I'm super excited for the adventure and taking the boys back to the town they were born in, exploring nature with them, taking them to the peanut festival, doing all the fun things that we miss dearly- by that I mostly mean eating at cupcakes y'all as often as possible and maybe a few trips to the beautiful white sand beaches ;)

We are now at a fork in the road with our dogs. Anyone somewhat close to us knows all about our beagles. They were our kids before we even wanted kids. Jack was our baby before we even were engaged! But with the chaos of traveling, being busy with the boys, and everything in between.. we definitely put them on the back burner. They hardly ever get out for walks anymore, never take trips to the dog park, and generally just aren't played with and loved on as much as before. On top of that we  can not take them with us to Alabama. SO here we are. Do we find them a new home permanently? or Just somewhere to stay for 4 months?  We really can't decide so I am hoping the decision just falls into my lap in the next couple weeks. In the mean time I need to get the word out as much as possible- hence the blog post and social media share. SO please friends, if you are anywhere in Arizona and know of anyone that may be interested- we'd really appreciate sharing this with them.

We are looking for either a temporary long term home for our two beagles from November until February in either the Tucson/Marana or Phoenix area. We are a military family and travel very often- will be across the country for 4 months and unfortunately can not take them with. Due to our frequent traveling and busy lifestyle we are open to a permanent rehoming if we can find the right family or household to love them as much as we do. 

Both dogs have been a part of our family since they were 6 weeks old. They were both house trained very early, can stay in their crate throughout a typical work day, up to date on vaccines, healthy, wonderful with all young children, and generally just really great family dogs. They do not get along with cats but are very friendly and love other dogs. They enjoy walks but are not required as long as they have a decent backyard to play in. They do howl like typical beagles, and are very food driven animals- any food in their reach will become theirs. 

  If temporary home is found we are willing to provide food for the 4 months, their crate,  as well as any other necessities requested.

  Lola is a pure bred beagle. She will be 4 years young on October 1 of this year. Lola is a typical energetic, overly friendly, sassy,  girl beagle that at the end of the day just wants to love on everyone. She loves to run around outside, wrestle with her brother or other dogs, but then crash out and get as much beauty rest on the couch as possible. 


Jack is a pure bred beagle. In contrast to his elderly appearance, he will be turning a whopping 5 years old on October 4. Jack is a very mellow guy. His very favorite hobbies include sleeping on the couch all day, and eating anything and everything he can get his nose into.  You'd never believe it today but as a puppy he was an avid runner that even trained up to 12 miles for a half marathon! He is a very loving and friendly guy to Everyone. 

For  more information about Jack and Lola email me at !

Friday, August 2, 2013

49 weeks down

Disclaimer: this is written from my iphone because I'm too lazy to wall downstairs let alone SIT on the computer. so excuse my grammar - Its the iPhones fault .

That title makes me laugh a little . I remember when we started this journey and surviving my husbands year long deployment, with a baby and a toddler ... And a house... And some
Beagles ... Seemed like marathoning up Mt. Everest . Impossible . The end seemed invisible and documenting each week felt necessary . Here we are at the end and it's almost too visible . 49 weeks down . He's so close to being home yet still weeks away from us. I mean three weeks is like an entire Air Force deployment right ?! ;)

Internally I've been imagining  the 12 months as 26.2 miles. Throughout this year I've thought of every month as a little over two miles . Every two weeks a mile basically . Any endurance athlete will tell you that crossing the finish line is much more about being mentally prepared that physically . I read this amazing article
Once about a marathoner mom who was stuck in the ocean with her two children. She treaded water for hours holding her sons, telling herself " keep them alive keep them alive " and the second rescuers got her second son in their hands she slowly slipped under and surrendered . She had committed to herself that the finish line was saving her children and she literally didn't have an ounce left to get beyond the finish . Unbelievably sad story  , but shows how the mind will take your body as far as you tell it too .

Our mind can be remarkable when we exercise it properly , but is only as strong as we can prepare it for. So as we took it week by week / mile by mile ... The groove became tolerable . There were some Serious hills ( we all know I HATE hills) along the way , and a few unexpected water breaks ( more from the eyes than out of a Dixie cup) but it was a scenic course full of growth and strength building . Here we are at that last 1.2 . For some it is the hardest stretch , and they say its that last .2 that really get you .  But once we cross that line it's over , all the struggles and pain are well worth the joy that comes when you get the medal at the finish line ... Or in our that long awaited hug/kiss. All that's left is some necessary recovery and celebration .

I know I haven't kept up with writing lately . Being busy with a baby and toddler is a much different type of busy than two toddlers . HOLY cow . I swear most nights I lay in bed just staring at the ceiling thinking what even happened today? So exhausted mentally and physically that the sound of " mommmmmy I have to go pottttty"  at 8:30 pm often pushes me over the ledge of my sanity limit for they day.

As exhausting as its been , the boys are actually doing really really well. We've found a nice rhythm since our move and have stayed happily busy all summer.  Between pool days at the Y , the children's museum, the library, park when it's not too hot , going to the mall play area ( Stevens personal favorite) we have no shortage of activities to keep us busy until Daddy's home . It is definitely a challenge not having friends down here with kids the boys' age, but in time I'm sure that will change . We found a wonderful church that I'm  thrilled about. Prayers were answered big time .Over the past month I've realized it's exactly where we are supposed to be .

Kaners is growing so much right now . He's crazy vocal and talks all day long , no idea where he gets that . He's mastered a somersault which I'm very impressed with of course . He's just as adorable as ever and happy as can be . I love when I get him out of his crib he's always smiling and bouncing like there is no care in the world.. He's such an angel .

Steven is hilarious , emotional , and wild . The usual. We are at that age where if I
Had the time to write down every phrase he comes up with... We'd have a best selling comedy on our hands. 3 year olds are just natural comedians . For example tonight he runs into my room screaming watttccchh out for darrrkkk eellevattorr ... While wearing his darth vader mask ... And proceeds to tackle me with all his strength . Yes he thought the character On star wars is "Dark Elevator ."He's awesome and amazing and teaches me lessons about parenting everyday . 

We have a huge month ahead of us ! 

Steven turns 3! I've decided not to do a party for him because if we do, and he wakes up the next day and daddy isn't here ...the world could quite possibly come to an end . We will have some cake and he has demanded that we  wear party hats like in the book Go Dog Go ( he's obsessed with party hats )  . As soon as Daddy arrives safely then we can celebrate together :) 

Speaking of Daddy arriving safely ... Not much longer ! We don't have exact dates , and if we did and I told you I'd have to kill you . Ok maybe I've been watching to many episodes of Sons of Anarchy on Netflix ... but seriously dates are pretty confidential so all we can say is by the end of the month he'll be back with us <3

That's about it here .Ill try to keep everyone posted as the time gets closer ! But as for now -49 weeks behind us. About THREE more to go ! 

Friday, June 28, 2013


HI Friends! It's been months I know. We have been so busy that I've hardly been able to keep my head on straight. GREAT for making time go by fast, BAD for my sanity. But after an extremely exhausting moving process, where just about everything possible stood in our way, the light at the end of the tunnel is shinning BRIGHT! We are all moved into our house, the walls were just painted this week, and it's starting to feel like home. Sometimes God makes us work a little harder on things so that we can appreciate them that much more, and boy oh boy do I appreciate our beautiful home in quiet peaceful Marana.

I wish I could sit here and update you all on the boys , deployment progress, etc., but I only have a few minutes and that could take a novel. But honestly we are all doing great, the boys are absolutely loving having so much space to terrorize, and we are all just anxiously getting ready for Daddy's return in less than two months =D Kane is walking now, and is cuter than ever. Steven has recently became a super hero, literally wearing his mask and cape to bed most nights. Steve is doing as well as he can be for where he is, getting anxious to FINALLY get out of that place though after a long long journey. Anyone that has been around me the past few months knows I was slowly falling apart from the stress of our house hunt, problems in our buying process, and the physicalities of actually MOVING this crew by myself... but it is all behind and I'm definitely feeling mentally strong and at peace. Thank you everyone that listened to my gripes through it all, prayed for us,  and gave me shoulders to cry on.

Everyone has been asking for pictures of the house, and now that it is painted and mostly decorated I took some shots this morning for everyone :) So here is the house...

Ok so this was before we moved in, I could go out front right now but with highs past 115 and considering it is noon I'll pass... and it looks the same. I promise.

This is the entry way, the door is actually to the left of this picture. That chevron-y covered canvas is going to be changed, I love the fabric up close but from far away it's not so great. Until I get a giant ladder though it will have to do.  That wall is so huge, that was the largest rectangular canvas I could get at Michaels, if that puts it into perspective... 

This is the guest bathroom. It is right next to the office/guest room/Apache room ...

This is the office/guest/Apache room. The natural light is great in here when you open the blinds ( you can't see the other window from this angle) so I will actually be able to hang up some backdrops along the closet to do indoor pictures- so add PHOTOGRAPHY studio to it's title. Having a fourth bedroom is amazing ! 

Past the stairs in the entry way is our living room. Our couch actually FITS in this living room, unlike our past 3 houses. I debated puting a coffee table in but when Steven and our friends son had a wrestling match in there the second night we lived here, I voted it out. Wrestling ring > coffee table. It's so cozy in here, I actually want to go take a nap on there as soon as I'm done writing this if the boys don't wake up... 
Just past the living room is the kitchen and dining area. I know I said before how much I hated dark cabinets, but now I actually love them. The paint. I searched and search for the right blue I wanted, I wanted a color to make the kitchen more country and less BLAHH Arizona tract home. This color is exactly what I wanted, I'm so obsessed with it I've been just sitting in my kitchen staring at it. I'm crazy I know, you don't have to tell me. It's called wedgewood grey by benjamin moore but was color matched to a behr paint... incase anyone is interested ;)  My stools are going to be painted when I have time, as well as two more lovely mismatched chairs for the table to replace the bench. 

Another view of the kitchen. The laundry room is the left and pantry on the right. 
Up the stairs there is a great sized loft that is boys' the playroom
Upstairs bathroom, basically the boys' bathroom only. Anyone that has boys knows this will be a godsend in the future- and THEY will be required to clean it. Steven is just thrilled that there is TWO sinks. 
Steven's bedroom. We are in the process of removing all his old green/brown bedding and making it an awesome super hero room. Those frames I had in his nursery, and room before, but I bought some old comic books for 1$ each at a comic store up in Show Low, threw them in the frames and made some awesome art for his NEW room. I also have a couple other projects I've yet to hang up, but will get pictures once it's all put together. He keeps telling me how much he loves his new room, so I think it's a success :) 

Kane's room. This entire nursery has been set up in three houses for our little 1 year old, but is now here for good. I used all the same stuff he had before but that Navy wall is gorgeous and I'm so please with how it makes everything stand out. I love his room , but I love the smiley face I get to see each morning bouncing in that crib even more! 
Our bedroom. Of course the last thing to get put together is the master, isn't that always how it goes? 
It's simple and peaceful now though, so maybe it'll just stay like this. Our huge walk in closet that is still full of unpacked clothes boxes needs some attention though ASAP.
Master bath. It's cozy and nice big tub which I love! 

I really do love our house, more than any other house we have lived in. Prayers were truly answered in so many ways. My yogi tea right now explains it all... we all are unlimited. After going through a really rough few months I couldn't feel more blessed with how things are turning out, and the fact that this long long path we have been on is about to come to an end.  

Speaking of being blessed... one beautiful thing that has come out of this deployment has been my faith, our faith. A year ago I was stumped trying to find a catholic church to attend with the boys. My parents' church had no children's programs, even the ones 30 minutes away had nothing. I took a leap of faith and tried out my Grandparents' non denominational Christian church in the neighborhood- mainly because they had a fantastic children's program. Well one service is all it took  and we fell in love with the community at Arizona Hills, and the very 'real' and down to earth pastor. Breaking away from the Catholic church was a huge step for me, but my faith has grown stronger than ever.  I've been searching for the perfect place of worship for us to fit into here- not too big, not too far, great kids programs- and I just can't decide where to go. I keep praying that the right place will just become obvious to me but so far it hasn't. So if anyone local has suggestions or recommendations I'd really appreciate it . 

Thank you friends for checking out our new home ! And a very special thanks to everyone that has helped us with this move, and helped us survive a crazy couple months.

I think I'm going to try to squeeze in a nap , but let's be honest as soon as I hit "publish" one child is bound to wake up ;) Have a great weekend everyone, stay cool! 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Worth the wait

I know I have been pretty MIA from our deployment updates the past two months- but really this whole buying a house thing has taken over my life since the end of February.

The amount of Hurdles we have had to jump over is insane. Yes, buying a house isn't easy. Especially with one spouse in Afghanistan . Especially while taking care of two VERY busy toddler boys. Especially across the state. I get it. But I NEVER imagined some of the craziness we've gone through. I will try to explain but no promises that it will make sense.

So we get pre-qualified. Our realtor gives me his MLS list that is updated hourly ( and yes in the Tucson market it has to be) and we make lists of houses we like. GREAT. Awesome.

Instead of having to make the 2 hour trip for each house, our agents go and facetime with me so I can see the properties without the hassle. Needless to say these two were A-mazing. < Jeff Leblanc and Chrissy Martinez if anyone in Tucson is interested > We are talking daily for weeks they would show me house after house. Finally we put our first offer in- feeling hopeful. It was on the market 1 day and we offered nearly asking price only to find out 5 other offers were submitted at the same time, and the cash offer that was WELL over asking price walked away with it. No sweat. Move on to the next. We went through this same pony show well over 15 times- making offers DAY of listing and getting no where. Keep in mind not being there, each offer is 13 pages at minimum I have to print/sign-with power of attorney too/ scan/email to agent AND get a specific letter from our bank EACH time.

A house comes up in Oro valley in Copper Creek ( a nice area of Tucson) that looks perfect so without a tour we just throw an offer out there. OFFER ACCEPTED! AWESOME. So we go and see it and the backyard was nothing but a small patio and a wall backing up to a major road. There is no way our family could do without a backyard. So we back out. Next day our agent shows me a perfect two story newly flipped house that is by far the best one we had seen. Offer is accepted that day! This is it. I go down take measurements, leave checks for the inspections/ appraisal/COE.

So we begin the actual loan process- only to find out the department of education incorrectly sent my husband's student loans to collections. AFTER an entire day of phone calls we realize it is a mistake but the process to FIX this mistake was only the beginning. I was on the phone for at least 20 minutes every single day speaking to new people each time trying to get this removed from our record- a mistake that we had no control over and it is their position to fix. A mistake that was literally going to cost us getting into a home or not. It took an entire MONTH faxing paperwork to them, making phone calls, demanding supervisors- but finally I got a letter in my hand stating that it is being removed from his credit. UNbelievable.

In the meantime, our appraisal comes back that the house is worth significantly less than we had offered. If you've never worked with a VA loan ( you are lucky) but they will not give you a loan on a home that you would be over paying on. The flippers that own the home won't budge on price, so goodbye contract.

Back to new listings. One of the first homes we loved was an older foreclosure that was fixed up a bit but had amazing bones and was just screaming for us to live in. Well this home dropped significantly in price and would leave enough left over for every remodel we wanted to do! Offer- accepted. WOO HOO! Now we are getting excited. THIS is our house, it is going to be perfect. Our inspector decides to take a look around the outside of the house just to see what he is working with the day before inspections. Just one look around the outside and he tells us there is NO way that the VA will approve this property because there are too many major red flags. Sigh. OK here we go again...

The day of those inspections I had planned to drive down , so our agent says come down anyways lets look at every house possible. We do. Nothing. I'm not picky but there was nothing we could even live with. I'm reminded of this house that is really nice but on the same street we used to live on. The last place I want to live is that street. It was fine when we didn't have kids but there are no parks nearby, no sidewalks anywhere near, etc. But we took a look anyways. Last chance of the day. Our agent swears I will love it. Sure enough I walk in and just breath happily. It has gorgeous wood floors ( laminate wood , whatever ) with perfect white trim and nicely painted walls. Updated kitchen with a doggy door, some grass in the yard,  3 perfect bedrooms. Someone else had a contract on it but it fell through that day. I'm sold!

Well you guessed it, the house wasn't going to be worth NEAR what they were asking. VA again pulls us out of yet another house.

The day we find out this house isn't going to work, I get the phone call that just sent me spiraling. Our lease that is up may 30, but were planning on keeping month to month until we found a house, will not be extended. We have no contact with our actual landlord but the property manager claims that they think it will be too hard to rent it out in the summer being Phoenix and all so we need to be out for them  to find new renters June 1. OH an by the way, have the house ready to show everyday incase any potential tenants pop by to see the place. OHHH ok,  SO not only are you kicking out a family of a deployed soldier when they have no where to go, with a months notice, but you want me to try to pack my house alone with two toddlers AND keep your house spotless? NO freaking way.

After some tear filled, and probably pretty high tempered, phone calls we got it extended but only to June 15. So that's it. We have no where to live after June 15. I call our agent in Tucson and said look, if we don't find a house TOMORROW we have to find a place to rent in June instead. He claims there is one full proof plan for  VA approval. New build. But obviously we have NO TIME left to build a home. SO Both our agent and his assistant spend an entire day searching the newer communities in North Tucson looking for a move in ready home for us ( HAVE I said yet how amazing they are?) They kept calling it "Brittany Day" lol .

Now I had been praying daily for this process, obviously. I never once prayed about a specific house but I asked God to put us where we need to be, to show us his plans for us. That day I had become too impatient and I asked for prayers via Facebook- which I truly believe helped. The more you have praying the stronger the prayers.

Well that day was well worth the work. They found a move-in-ready new home in Gladden Farms ( a wonderful family friendly community in Marana , which is very close the the Army Airfield) Two story 4 bedrooms with a loft upstairs AKA playroom. The lot backs up to a common grass area, across the street from a brand new park, plenty of jogging paths , corner lot, will finish construction MAY 30!!!!

Prayers answered. Even typing this makes me tear up.

Now a new home in Arizona is the last thing I ever thought I wanted, but I honestly think its the perfect home for us in so many ways. I can see it  now. Someone else had already picked out the designs for the inside so we have no choices but luckily they picked well. If only they had picked my favorite white cabinets we would be set ;) The house comes with landscaping in front and back, all brand new energy efficient appliances, all window treatments, Nice tile and Eco friendly carpet, Granite counters, and to top it all off the house is a Meritage home which specializes in making very " green " houses. It is specifically designed to be happy on the environment which is not only perfect for my Lorax ( My husband DOES speak for the trees after all...) but it makes utilities significantly less each month. I think this house is more than I could have imagined.

God ALWAYS has bigger plans for us than we know.

THe house is being saved for us, sent off our paperwork this morning, we don't have to worry about the dreaded inspections and appraisal problems VA gives us. I'm not saying it's final until we have the keys in hand June 5, but unless a natural disaster occurs in Tucson and the house falls through the earth.. I think we have a home!

No we just have to get Daddy home IN that home :D And find him a post deployment job. Anyone  have connections or ideas for a soon to be part-time National Guard Apache pilot LET US KNOW !

Thank you everyone for the prayers along this journey. Especially the handful of you that have been on my text speed-dial being dragged along this roller coaster with me every day.

There are no pictures of the house because it's just drywall but everything is going in soon-
Here is what we CAN share ..

Cabinets. Steve claims they are "classy as S***"- husbands words not mine- but I still wish I had white. 

Tile, Carpet, and counters

Outside and floor plan

Oh and in the meantime both of our real estate agents decide that I've become SO good at all of this that I should get licensed and come work with them at Sotheby's. That I have the "perfect" personality for it. HA. They claim buying other peoples' houses is a lot more fun. I mean, I did eventually start filling out my own offers at the end so It couldn't be THAT hard. But I do have a career that is on hold that I am dying to get back to, so who knows.

Hopefully things calm down now and I can get back to focusing on what matters- these boys. They are both doing really well actually. Steven is super excited to move to Tucson and talks about it everyday. Mommy, is the... FAN coming to Tucson? Yes Steven. Is... Pooh bear coming to tTucson? Yesss Steven. It's all we talk about. Kaners is still not walking , inching up on his brothers record of a 16 month super crawler. But he is standing by himself and will take a couple steps before dropping and aggressively crawling instead. Talking up a storm lately too ! Go figure. 

Speaking of, sounds like nap time is over. Just in time. Hopefully that updated everyone a little bit as I know it has been hard to keep track of. 

 Less than 4 months to go! We're ALMOST THERE :D

Friday, April 12, 2013

Quite a month

What a month it has been for the Army Aviation community. It seems like God is preparing for a pretty serious mission in heaven lately . In the past year he has taken  far too many of the best Soldiers, the best Army Aviators, and the best Americans. As much as we know and believe that everything is done with purpose- a higher purpose- it's still impossible to not wonder why.

The crash earlier this week has hit close to home for our family. Not only was one soldier a friend of my husbands from flight school, both men trained with our national guard unit before this deployment. When we said our goodbyes here in Arizona last August, the families of these two fallen soldiers were saying their goodbyes in Pennsylvania as well. They trained together for months before heading over seas. Even more difficult to swallow is that they were not only two of the best Army Helicopter Pilots, they were APACHE pilots. The best of the best.

May these two heroes rest in eternal peace, and watch over and protect us all. Continue to keep their loves ones in your thoughts and prayers, giving them strength in a time that is impossible for most of us to even comprehend.

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends - John 15:13
CW2 Jarret Yoder and CW3 Matt Ruffner 
Pennsylvania National Guard
AH-64 Aviators
Never Forgotten 

Lately it has seemed far too trivial to post about park playdates or our real estate woes. Every single thing we do here, in a country where we are free to enjoy life as we please, is minuscule and trivial compared to what is really going on over there. I do want to get back to writing about this deployment- about the ups and downs. Especially the ups that are ahead. We have just about 4 months left and as crazy as it seems- that is nothing! We have endured so much on this journey , as a family, and have grown nothing but stronger. Besides that, these boys are GROWING. They are becoming the most awesome little guys and I want nothing more than to share and document the comedy that comes from raising boys. 

Speaking of awesome little guys- April is the month of the military child! Military kids are amazing in so many ways. They learn a certain level of strength that can not be replicated in the civilian world. They don't sign up for it like their parents, they don't marry into it, they are BORN into it and have no choice of the matter. Please honor them by wearing purple this month ( not sure why it's purple but I'm not complaining..) 

This is one of my favorite pictures I've taken of one of my VERY favorite military children -besides my own of course.  To me, this just epitomizes the military child.

Hug your loved ones a little closer for all of us that can't. And if you know a military kid- show them your support , do something to make them feel special...they deserve it.